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Developing Cyber Resilience Strategies

Developing Cyber Resilience Strategies

Thursday, December 05, 2024 12:15—13:15
Location: Solar

Cyber Resilience: A Selection of Practical Patterns

Large and complex cyber systems, often spanning from legacy to cloud systems, are difficult to maintain and operate, including all questions on cyber security. Investing in cyber resilience helps not only in cyber security but also helps building, maintaining and operating these systems.

We will explore some basic patterns for building robust and resilient cyber systems and reflect them on some practical use cases in typical on-premises/cloud scenarios and complex identity management environments.

Key Topics:

* Practical patterns for cyber resilience

* Use cases in on-premises/cloud scenarios and idm

Eleni Richter
Chief Architect
Eleni Richter is working as chief architect of the identity and organizational data management at a large German energy supplier (EnBW AG) and as part-time lecturer in IAM and Cyber Security...
NDR (Network Detection & Response)
Osman Celik
Osman joined KuppingerCole as Research Analyst in March 2022. Osman holds a Bachelor of Business Administration degree from Koc University, Turkey, and Master of Management (Track in IT Management)...
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