Trust & Resilience
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The Cybersecurity Nexus: Global Threats, Local Frameworks, and Day-to-Day Implementation

Combined Session
Friday, May 12, 2023 14:10—14:30
Location: A 05-06

We'll connect the global threats, both cyber and geopolitical, and how we apply local cybersecurity frameworks and controls to our organizations to protect against those threats. Forward-looking IT and security teams are taking the best from cyber resilience frameworks like NIST (U.S.), and NIS (E.U.) while complying with local regulations. They complement these guidelines with identity-centric management, disaster recovery and world-class technology to battle the ever-changing threats to AD.

This session will bridge the distance between the cyber resilience frameworks and the day-to-day practice of keeping your users productive and safe, with a special focus on preparing and recovering from an AD disaster.

The Cybersecurity Nexus: Global Threats, Local Frameworks, and Day-to-Day Implementation
Presentation deck
The Cybersecurity Nexus: Global Threats, Local Frameworks, and Day-to-Day Implementation
Click here to download the slide deck. Please note that downloads are only available for event participants and subscribers. You'll need to log in to download it.
Bastiaan Verdonk
Bastiaan Verdonk
Quest Software
Bastiaan is an avid computer expert with over 28 years in the IT industry, with a special focus on Active Directory and the evolving state of cyber security. He has a varied technology background...
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