Mobile Security
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Going Native... with Mobile App Authentication

Combined Session
Wednesday, May 10, 2023 16:10—16:30
Location: B 09

Today, industry best practice requires that the user experience for authentication and authorization require the user to use some form of browser to interact with the Authorization Server. From a product perspective, this creates a disjointed user experience and while there are good reasons for requiring the use of a browser component this is a very common discussion between product and security when designing a mobile app. This talk will propose an industry standard way to allow for native user experiences while covering the pros, cons and implications of doing so.

Going Native... with Mobile App Authentication
Event Recording
Going Native... with Mobile App Authentication
Click here to watch the recording of this session. Please note that this video is only available to event participants and subscribers. You'll need to log in to watch it.
Going Native... with Mobile App Authentication
Presentation deck
Going Native... with Mobile App Authentication
Click here to download the slide deck. Please note that downloads are only available for event participants and subscribers. You'll need to log in to download it.
George Fletcher
George Fletcher
Capital One
George Fletcher currently serves as the Identity Standards Architect for Capital One supporting the partner and consumer sides of the business. He is a seasoned software architect with 25+ years of...
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