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Enterprise Identity: A case study of the EU Gaia-X project

Combined Session
Thursday, May 12, 2022 16:10—16:30
Location: B09

Gaia-X Federation Services is a European project that promotes innovation through data sharing and represents the next generation of the data infrastructure ecosystem. To see how we bring about an open, transparent, and secure digital ecosystem, we thus share a practical example and working code of the Gaia-X for the Notarization API.
The aim of this product is to establish digital trust in disclosed data (paper or electronic) for Gaia-X participants to use in the Gaia-X ecosystem. To reach this goal, an issuance module to transform data into digital verifiable credential (VC) is needed. With this component, certification institutions such as government, lawyers, etc. are able to prove the identity and provide data of any organization that desires to be a Gaia-X participant. Thus deliver the desired verified attestation as a digital representation.
This use case on enterprise identity is an example of a contribution to the meta-platform concept: a platform that enables and fosters participant-controlled value transfer across and among other platforms and participants. An open, interoperable, portable, decentralized identity framework is thus a prime candidate for becoming such a meta-platform and for leveraging this aggregate network effect.

Enterprise Identity: A case study of the EU Gaia-X project
Event Recording
Enterprise Identity: A case study of the EU Gaia-X project
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Enterprise Identity: A case study of the EU Gaia-X project
Presentation deck
Enterprise Identity: A case study of the EU Gaia-X project
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Dr. Carsten Stöcker
Dr. Carsten Stöcker
Dr. Carsten Stöcker is co-founder and CEO of Spherity. Spherity is building decentralized digital identity management solutions to power the fourth industrial revolution.Carsten...
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