OPA; Container & Kubernetes Security
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Kubernetes and Crossplane at Deutsche Bahn

Combined Session
Thursday, May 12, 2022 14:30—15:00
Location: A05-06

This session will be about the journey of Kubernetes and Crossplane at Deutsche Bahn, to provide platform consumers with access to a unified API for deployments, infrastructure provisioning and applications in a manner that is independent from the cloud, addressing compliance and cross-cutting concerns while providing a Kubernetes "native" experience.

The journey has not been without challenges, where the platform team has managed technical and functional requirements including an access model in an enterprise environment, user expectations of cloud native infrastructure usage, and issues with excessive API load, shared resources, as well as controllers written by the team and open sourced along the way.

Jan Willies
Jan Willies
Jan Willies is a Platform Architect at Accenture and contributor to the crossplane project. He is maintainer of provider-gitlab and provider-argocd, founded the Berlin CI/CD Meetup and organizes...
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