Digitally Transformed Enterprise
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All Other Identities - The Risk That Is Hiding in Plain Sight

Combined Session
Thursday, May 12, 2022 14:50—15:10
Location: A03-04

For the last 30 years  virtually every  company, agency and organization has been forced to accept the risks associated with identity management and control for third parties and  all  the other identities that  are not  directly addressed by today's workforce or customer access management solutions. The universe of  "all other identities"  is enormous, numbering in the billions and  maybe even the trillions of distinct and unique identities. In the absence of solutions and processes to actively manage and control the identities of contractors, service providers, agencies, franchisees and  all  the possible variations of people,  devices  and entities that your organization interacts with, accepting risk but not being able to  mitigate  it has been the normal course of business. It is past time that these risks are acknowledged,  addressed,  and mitigated. Richard Bird explains the current state of third and n-th party identity risk, how to recognize it and what to do about it in this presentation on a new frontier in security and risk.

All Other Identities - The Risk That Is Hiding in Plain Sight
Event Recording
All Other Identities - The Risk That Is Hiding in Plain Sight
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All Other Identities - The Risk That Is Hiding in Plain Sight
Presentation deck
All Other Identities - The Risk That Is Hiding in Plain Sight
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Richard Bird
Richard Bird
Richard Bird is the Chief Product Officer for SecZetta and one of the most widely known personalities in identity. A multi-time C-level executive in both the corporate and start-up worlds, Richard...
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