Building the Infrastructure for Decentralization
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Verifiable Credentials on the front line

Combined Session
Thursday, May 12, 2022 12:40—13:00
Location: B09

Learn how businesses are using verifiable credentials, decentralized orchestration and blockchain identity to reduce fraud, increase privacy and improve user experience. See real-world examples of production ready solutions from one state’s Department of Education and other public sector organizations. Learn how biometrics, proofing, KYC and other MFA services link with verifiable credentials through decentralized orchestration. See how paper-based documents like diplomas, academic transcripts and citizen identity are being replaced with verifiable credentials that reduce cost, increase security and privacy preservation. Learn how Ping Identity and other sources can issue and verify blockchain based verifiable credentials.

Verifiable Credentials on the front line
Event Recording
Verifiable Credentials on the front line
Click here to watch the recording of this session. You'll need to log in to watch it.
Verifiable Credentials on the front line
Presentation deck
Verifiable Credentials on the front line
Click here to download the slide deck. Please note that downloads are only available for event participants and subscribers. You'll need to log in to download it.
Mike Vesey
Mike Vesey
Mike Vesey, CEO President - Built and sold several companies that provide transformative IT solutions for the global enterprise. Technical visionary with deep experience delivering to the world's...
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