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Protocol Independent Data Standards for Interoperability

Combined Session
Thursday, May 12, 2022 11:20—11:40
Location: B05

If you send a passport in a shipping container via a ship, a train, or a truck, it’s still a passport when you open the container at the other end.

The same applies if you do this electronically.  The data content of a credential – the claims and evidence - is the same regardless of the protocol used to transmit it.

If a common type of credential (e.g., covid certificate) from different issuers has data in different formats this is a problem. Equally, if different credentials carry the same data (e.g., address) but it is formatted differently, this is also a problem.

Whilst issuers of credentials can self-publish the format of data they are providing, if these are not agreed across an ID ecosystem the problem of interpretation, translation, and data normalisation is pushed to the relying party. This we be a major barrier to Digital ID adoption and international Digital ID interoperability. 

Common data standards will make adopting Digital ID easier.

How do we create protocol independent standards? Is there a need for some standards to be set at a global pan-framework level? The OIX Architecture Interoperability working group has some ground-breaking and global recommendations you will want to hear.

Protocol Independent Data Standards for Interoperability
Event Recording
Protocol Independent Data Standards for Interoperability
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Protocol Independent Data Standards for Interoperability
Presentation deck
Protocol Independent Data Standards for Interoperability
Click here to download the slide deck. Please note that downloads are only available for event participants and subscribers. You'll need to log in to download it.
Nick Mothershaw
Nick Mothershaw
The Open Identity Exchange
Nick is Chief Identity Strategist at the Open Identity Exchange, a community for all those involved in the ID sector to connect and collaborate. Together we develop the guidance needed for...
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