Andreas Sigurdsson
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Andreas Sigurdsson


Andreas Sigurdsson is the Founder and CEO of ZADA Solutions, a decentralised identity network and ecosystem in Southeast Asia. As an independent SSI Ecosystem, ZADA enables a unique cross-border exchange of personal credentials.

A Swedish national from birth, Andreas has now spent more than half his life in China and Southeast Asia. Having started multiple ventures in the IT and Media field in different countries, his exposure enables him to merge the best practices from different cultures to create value and solve problems.

In 2018, while living in Myanmar,  Andreas realised an important need to solve the sharing of personal information online and improve KYC processes as people started to create digital presences and open digital wallets. With COVID-19 and the lockdowns, the plans accelerated and in 2021 ZADA was born to address the problem of fraud online as well as enabling a better inclusion of people to the digital economy by making it possible to manage and re-use credentials. The need for this was not only relevant for Myanmar but a global market opened up, and ZADA become integrated with both Singapore and Thailand as well.

Today ZADA is active in multiple Southeast Asian countries, enabling the exchange of credentials in sectors such as Health, Education and Labour - lowering costs, decreasing fraud and making processes more efficient.

Andreas Sigurdsson
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