Michael Shea
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Michael Shea

Danube Tech GmbH

Michael is currently an advisor and Acting COO to Danube Tech GmbH, the leader in decentralized identity infrastructure. He is also MD at Wider Team Ltd and The Dingle Group LLC, and founder of the Vienna Digital Identity Event. Michael has over thirty years of experience in the technology sector, working in the United States, Canada and since 2015 in Vienna. As a Managing Director he ran the Americas consulting services business for Pitney Bowes Software (now Precisely). Michael has actively participated in all stages of the software business from development, design, operations and business development. He has founded of multiple businesses and is a founding member of MyData Global and the MyData Austria Hub. Michael is Chair of the SSI in IoT Working Group for the Sovrin Foundation, Co-Chair of the Trust and Identity Subgroup of the IEEE/UL P2933 Clinical IoT Working Group. Michael is currently an advisor to Danube Tech GmbH, the leader in decentralized identity infrastructure.

Michael Shea
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May 13, 2022
10:50 - 11:10
In Transition - From Platforms to Protocols
Combined Session
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