Thanassis Giannetsos
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Thanassis Giannetsos

Head of Digital Security and Trusted Computing Group

Thanassis Giannetsos received the Ph.D. degree from the University of Aalborg, Denmark, in 2012. He was an Assistant Professor with the Department of Computer Science, University of Surrey, Guildford, U.K. He is currently the Head of Digital Security and Trusted Computing Group at Ubitech Ltd. and an Adjunkt Associate Professor within the Cyber Security Section, Technical University of Denmark. He has expertise in the design and implementation of secure and privacy-preserving protocols and risk management. His current research interests include applied cryptography to security and privacy in information technology and trusted computing. Furthermore, he is also affiliated with the European SSI Infrastructure Programme (eSSIf-Lab) where he is leading projects on the design of secure SSI wallets, protected through the use of hardware-based keys, for trustworthy identity management with a particular focus on shifting trust closer to the users.

Thanassis Giannetsos
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