Dr. Michael Seemann
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Dr. Michael Seemann

Writer, Scientist

Michael Seemann studied applied cultural science at the Leuphana University in Lüneburg. In 2010 he started the blog "CTRL-Verlust", that lead to his 2014 book called "Das Neue Spiel, Strategien für die Welt nach dem digitalen Kontrollverlust" which was partly translated and published as "Digital Tailspin – Ten Rules for the Internet" after Snowden by the Institute for Network Cultures in Amsterdam. His second book from 2021 was also his PhD thesis: "Die Macht der Plattformen - Politik in Zeiten der Internetgiganten" is concerned with the growing political and economic influence of platforms. A topic he has been working on for over 10 years and was invited as an expert to the German Bundestag in 2016. He gives talks on a regular basis to several topics such as data privacy, copyright, internet culture, internet history and platforms. Since 2017 he sits on the board of the Grimme Forschungskolleg.

Dr. Michael Seemann
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May 10, 2022
17:40 - 18:00
It's the Relationship, Stupid
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