Filipi Pires
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Filipi Pires

Security and Threat Researcher

I’ve been working as Security and Threat Researcher at Saporo, and Cybersecurity Advocate at senhasegura, Snyk Ambassador, Application Security Specialist, Hacking is NOT a crime Advocate and RedTeam Village Contributor. I’m part of the Coordinator team from DCG5511(DEFCON Group São Paulo-Brazil), International Speakers in Security and New technologies events in many countries such as US, Canada, Germany, Poland, and others, I’ve been served as University Professor in Graduation and MBA courses at Brazilian colleges, in addition, I'm Creator and Instructor of the Course Malware Attack Types with Kill Chain Methodology (PentestMagazine) and Malware Analysis - Fundamentals (HackerSec). 

Filipi Pires
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May 13, 2022
12:00 - 12:30
Knowing differences between Cyber Resistance and Cyber Resilience
Combined Session
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